It’s never too late

Get the help you need to uncover your passion and find a career you absolutely love — at any age!

Irene Broomfield sitting at her desk, looking at the camera

It’s never too late

Get the help you need to uncover your passion and find a career you absolutely love — at any age!

A stack of books with a cup of coffee next to it

You’re finally walking into the

best chapters of your life…

…with a fulfilling career that brings you peace, prosperity, and purpose while pursuing your unique passions.

No more feeling lost or stuck doing a job you hate. Now you have clarity about where you want to be and what you want to do. 

I know this is possible for you, and I can help you get there.

Why SIMBA coaching?

My passion is two-fold, career and family, but my family will always come first!

Feeling unhappy in your work will negatively affect all aspects of your life, including your relationships, health, marriage, and family. That’s why I’m incredibly passionate about helping professional women find and work in careers that align with their values. SIMBA is an acronym that reminds me daily that my family is at the heart of everything I do.

It stands for…










And James










And James

Irene looking at the camera.

Hi, I’m Irene, and I’m so happy you’re here!

I’m guessing you’re reading this because you want to know a little bit more about me. So here goes. I’m sharing my story because I want you to know that if I can find my perfect career later in life, so can you —it’s never too late.

I haven’t always been a Career Coach

but I’ve always been passionate about supporting other people in their careers.

After graduating from Exeter University with a degree in Psychology, I completed my Master’s in Human Resources, became a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, and spent the next few decades working in senior HR roles.

As I grew older, many things changed.

I moved jobs several times, got married twice, and had two sons. 

I tried hard to make my job fit my life. I worked in different organisations and roles, working full-time and part-time and had two career breaks. But, I could never find the right balance. 

Looking back, I now realise that I never stopped to ask myself if the forty-plus me still actually wanted to do the job that twenty-plus me started. 

If I had, the answer would have definitely been NO. Because I had changed, and my life had changed, so deep down, I wanted something different. 

I was stuck.

I desperately wanted to jump out of bed every Monday, excited for the week ahead. I wanted a job that fitted perfectly with my family values. Is that too much to ask? No. 

But, I worried that I was too old to change career. 

Thankfully, after some coaching, I was able to lean into my strengths, follow my passion for supporting people’s career development, and become a Career Change Coach.

Now, my work perfectly aligns with my life and values

I spend my days helping many lovely women create careers they love. I couldn’t be happier, and I want the same for you. If you’re even just a little bit curious, let’s make time to chat. 

Irene x

I’m highly academic, professional and qualified.

I love self-development, and I’ve always considered myself professional, even when I was taking a career break to be a stay-at-home Mum. 

My qualifications

  • Masters in Human Resource Management

  • Psychology BA (Hons)

  • ICF Diploma in Integrative Coaching

  • Certificate in Career & Performance Coaching

  • Certificate in Leadership & Organisational Coaching

  • Certificate in Stress & Wellbeing Coaching

  • Certificate in Mental Health First Aid

  • Certified Everything DiSC® Practitioner

  • Certified MBTI® Practitioner

  • Certified Strong Interest Inventory® Practitioner

My accreditations

  • Associate Certified Coach by the ICF (ACC)™

  • Chartered Fellow of the CIPD (FCIPD)

  • Certified Firework™ Career Coach

  • Licensed CCS Career Coach

  • Association for Coaching – Accredited Coach

  • Certified Emotions Coaching Practitioner

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"Thank you ever so much for your help, guidance, and support over the last few months.  Working with you has been so beneficial in so many ways.

I’ve loved your personal, considered, and balanced view. From feeling overwhelmed and like I was treading water to, now, feeling much more in control of my career.  Even when things slip a little, knowing I now have the practical tools to get back on track is a lifesaver… You have helped me see my strengths, identify areas that I could improve upon, and supported me to make the changes in my career so I can continue to move forward in a positive way.  I’m really, genuinely, grateful to have been introduced to you.

I’ve enjoyed the laughs, too, and am grateful for you taking me, for me."


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